Install the database in the root folder not in the client folder
npm i mongoose
sign up on this website, choose try free
You can do signup with your Google account as well
Create new project in mongodb atlas
Set Project Name and do next
After creating a project, click on “Database”, Build Database
Choose M0 Free > AWS > Region (Mumbai) > Clustor Name (reactjs-blog) > Create
Create username and password and save these details for future use.
Choose Cloud Environment
Add Ip Address “” to allow access database from anywhere via any devices
Finish and Close
Connect > Drivers
Copy given string in number 3 point.
Add some code in “index.js”
import mongoose from ‘mongoose’
after that add copied sting –
console.log(“MongoDb is connected”);
add password in given string
add collection name after
Database has been connected.
Create a file in the root directory “.env”
Install a package in root directory
npm i dotenv
add below given 2 line in index.js
import dotenv from ‘dotenv’
Cut string from the index.js paste it in .env file
In index.js in the place of string mention –
.connect(process.env. MONGODB_URL).then(….)