About Me - Krishan Dev
I am Krishan Dev, I am digital marketing professional and web developer. I have 10+ years of experience in digital marketing. I have worked with many digital marketing companies. I have helped many businesses in increase keywords ranking, traffic, sales, lead generation. I am master in computer application.

SEO Basics
What is Indexing in SEO?
When Search Engine store the web page information in our database, called indexing. Information like web page title, description, content, images, web page coding, etc.How to check my website is indexed or not?
Type “site:domain” in search engine and press enter. If you see your website in search engine result pages. It means your website is indexed otherwise not.What is Crawling in SEO?
Crawling in the process of looking new and updated web pages. When Google discover new and updated pages via links, sitemap and any other resource called crawling. After crawling, search engine check that page is appropriate or not, if page is suitable for users, content is helpful for users, information is correct on the web page, Search engine index that web page, otherwise not. Crawlers are the software who crawl the web page. Google crawler name is Googlebot.What is SEO?
SEO stands Search engine optimization. It is the process to optimize the web pages according to the search engine guidelines for rank in the search engine result pages. Web page built with the help of HTML, CSS, Java script, content. In SEO we optimize HTML, CSS, Java script, content, heading tags, images, meta tags, etc.Reason, if your website is not showing on Search engine result pages?
If you search your website in search engine and it does not show in result pages, these may be reasons –- Your website is blocked by Robots.txt.
- Your website is blocked by “no index” meta tag.
- Your website is new and Google has not crawl and index yet.
- Your website is violating search engine guidelines.
What is Sitemap?
Sitemap is the collection of your web page URLs. There are two types of sitemap, 1. HTML Sitemap 2. XML sitemap. XML sitemap helps search engines to find the website URLs easily. Make sure your website has sitemap. There are another 02 types of sitemap as well. 1. Static sitemap 2. Dynamic sitemap. Static sitemap does not update automatically when you update your website. If you remove or add any page in the website, sitemap should be update automatically but static sitemap does not update automatically. Dynamic sitemap update automatically. Make sure your website has dynamic sitemap. If your website built in WordPress, just add Yoast plugin, dynamic sitemap will be added automatically. After add sitemap, make sure you submit sitemap in Google search console. Google search console is a Google tool, which help to check website health.How to hide any web page from the search engine?
If you want to hide any page from the Search engine, you can do it easily via robots.txt or meta robots tag. Add “noindex” meta tag on that page as well. —————————— User-agent: * Disallow: /pageurl Disallow: /icons/ ——————————–What is meta title in SEO?
Meta title is a html tag we place it in the website head section, it tells to users and search engines that what is the topic of a particular page. Meta title should be unique for each page. It’s length should be 70 characters. Your targeting keywords should exist in the meta title, which you want to rank on this page. Syntax: <html> <head> <title>Topic of the Page using keyword within 70 characters </title> </head> You can add business name in meta title as well. If your business is local or provide services in a particular location, city, state or country. You can add that location. It will help to rank in a particular area.What are Things to keep in mind when creating meta titles for the website pages?
- Add the text in the title that reads naturally and effectively communicate the topic of the web page content.
- Don’t do too much keyword stuffing.
- Don’t add text in the meta title those has no relation with the page content.
- Don’t add text in the title like “New Page 1”, “Untitled”
- Don’t use a same meta title text for multiple pages, text for each page title should be unique and related to the page content.
- Text of the meta title should not too short and too long. It length should be 70 characters. It should be short and descriptive related to the page content.
- If your title is too long, Google picks some portion of the title and shows as a meta title. Sometimes Google generate meta title text automatically in search results as well.
- Don’t add text in the meta title those are unhelpful to the users.
- Don’t stuff unneeded keywords in the meta title.
Why Meta descriptions are important for web pages of the website?
Google shows meta description as a snippet in the search result pages. If meta description is not relevant and is not according to the Google guidelines, Google pick any other portion the page content and show as a snippet of your page in the search result pages. When user search Query in the Google they may read snippet, it they found related to his query, they open that page.What are things to keep in mind when write meta descriptions for the web pages of the website?
- Don’t use text in the meta description which have no relation to the page content.
- Don’t use generic meta descriptions, for Eg. – “This is web page” or “Page about clothes”.
- Make sure there are business related targeting keywords in the web page, according to the page.
- Do not copy and paste whole page content in the meta description.
- Use unique meta description for each web page.
- If your website has thousands or millions of web pages, add dynamic meta descriptions. Because to write unique meta descriptions for each page manually, is a typical task.
- Don’t use a single meta descriptions for multiple web pages.
Read My Blogs
If your website has been hacked with a “keyword hack,” it means attackers have inserted malicious keywords into your site’s content, usually …
Moment marketing is the art of creating content that taps into trending events or real-time situations, helping brands stay relevant and engage …
With millions of users flocking to Instagram and YouTube daily, capturing attention and driving views is no easy feat. However, with the …
Here are the steps – 1. const [formData, setFormData]=useState({}) 2. Add onChange and onclick – <FileInput type=’file’ accept=’image/*’ onChange={(e)=>setFile(e.target.files[0])}/> <Button type=’button’ gradientDuoTone=’purpleToBlue’ size=’sm’ …
Here are the steps – 1. Create a route “post.route.js”- import express from ‘express’ import {verifyToken} from ‘../utils/verifyUser.js’ import { create } …
Here are the Steps – 1 – Add a property in the user model – isAdmin:{ type:Boolean, default:false }, 2. In mongoDb …
Here are The Steps – Step 1 – Create a route – router.post(‘/signout’, signOut) Step 2 – Create a signOut Controller – …
Here are the steps – Step 1 – const [showModal, setShowModal]=useState(false); Step 2 – Add onClick – <span className=’ cursor-pointer’ onClick={()=>setShowModal(true)}>Delete Account</span> …
Here are the Steps – 1. Create a route – router.delete(‘/delete/:userId’, verifyToken, deleteUser) 2. Create a user delete controller – export …
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